I have some squid access-log that I want to integrate in my Elastic indexes.
I am using the dissect filter to filter the different fields and then I use "convert_datatype" to convert the needed fields into integers.
My conf file :
filter {
dissect {
mapping => {
"message" => "%{} %{} %{} %{host} %{} %{timestamp->} %{} %{user_id} %{req_status} %{status_code} %{user_ip} %{user_req_size} %{method} %{url} %{mime_type} %{reply_size} %{hierarchy} %{fwd_ip} %{srv_ip} %{srv_port} %{duration}" } remove_field => ["message"] convert_datatype => { "status_code" => "int" "user_req_size" => "int" "reply_size" => "int" "duration" => "int" } }
Some event examples :
Jun 12 11:37:21 infpvpxe1 (squid-5): 12/Jun/2019:11:37:21 +0200 - TCP_DENIED 403 3369 GET http://intranoo.francetelecom.fr/ text/html 3331 HIER_NONE - 3128 0
Jun 12 11:37:21 infpvpxe1 (squid-2): 12/Jun/2019:11:37:21 +0200 iosw_hp TCP_MISS 200 3969 CONNECT ws.chronopost.fr:443 - 3851 HIER_DIRECT ws.chronopost.fr 3128 44
With convert datatype, I obtain this error in the logstash stdout :
"tags" => [
[0] "_dataconversionuncoercible_duration_int"
while the second example return the correct "duration" field as "44"
The problem is : In log lines where the duration is "0", there is a (second) space juste before the 0, so convert_datatype is not able to convert a string with a space and a digit, into an int.
Is there a way to do so ?
Do I have no other choice than using a grok filter juste for the duration field ?
Thank you