How to parse elasticsearch filter aggregated_field value (hash type)? _

We have the ff scenario:
Goal : Perform join in two es index at indexing level

input {
        exec {
                        codec => json
                        interval => 60
                        command => "bash /"             //bash script contains elasticsearch query
filter {
        split { field => "[aggregations][agg1][buckets]" }
        split { field => "[aggregations][agg1][buckets][agg2][buckets]" }
        split { field => "[aggregations][agg1][buckets][agg2][buckets][agg3][buckets]" }

        mutate {
                        add_field => {
                                        "FIELD_1" => "%{[aggregations][agg1][buckets][key]}"
                                        "FIELD_2" => "%{[aggregations][agg1][buckets][agg2][buckets][key]}"
                                        "FIELD_3" => "%{[aggregations][agg1][buckets][agg2][buckets][agg2][buckets][key]}"
	elasticsearch {
			hosts => ["host:9200"]
			query_template => "/query_index_2.json"
			aggregation_fields => {
				"my_aggs" => "location"

output {
	stdout {codec => rubydebug}

wherein the field "location" contains a hash value of

location => 
                "doc_count_error_upper_bound" => 0,
                "sum_other_doc_count" => 473350,
                "buckets" =>  [
                    "key" => "value1",
                    "doc_count" => 4983

How can i get the "value1"?

Anyone? :frowning:

It is unclear what you are trying to do, but if you have a field with that structure called location and you want to do an add_field similar to the ones in your configuration it would be

mutate { add_field => { "key" => "%{[location][buckets][0][key]}" } }
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Hi, thank you for your response!

Unfortunately we cant include the index array since it is dynamic.
I think i figured it out already, i just need to use the split filter :slight_smile:

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