Logstash filter conditional if tags or

Am i doing something wrong here ?

Logs with tag dcsaghosts are the ones only processed by the filter and ignoring the logs with tag pcwsaghosts

filter {
if "dcsaghosts" in [tags] or "pcwsaghosts" in [tags] {
if "dc-itpag-idm" in [tags] or "pcw-itpag-idm" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "message" => "- %{IPV4:clientip} - - [%{HTTPDATE:requesttimestamp}] %{WORD:httpmethod} / %{NUMBER:responsecode:int} %{NUMBER:responsesize:int} - - - %{NUMBER:responsetimems:int}" }
else if "dc-sspag-idm" in [tags] or "pcw-sspag-idm" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{IPV4:clientip} - - [%{HTTPDATE:requesttimestamp}] "%{WORD:httpmethod} /" %{NUMBER:responsecode:int} %{NUMBER:responsesize:int} "-" "-" "-" "%{NUMBER:responsetimems:float}""}

    date {
            locale => "en"
            timezone => "America/New_York"
            match => [ "requesttimestamp","dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]


Please show an event that hasn't been correctly processed. Use a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output so we can see what it looks like after Logstash has processed it.

Thanks. Issue on my side config typos in one of filebeat with tags pcwsaghosts

Resolved. IF condition is working fine.

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