Swiftype Schema Meta Tags Not Working on Local Docker Setup

Hi all -

I am testing a local enterprise search setup using the steps outlined here. I am using Enterprise Search version 7.12.0 and ingesting data by crawling my site.

Everything works great except for when I add schema-related meta tags to my site. For some reason they are not being picked up at all. I followed the docs, even copy/pasting in the meta tags directly from the examples, but they are never picked up. I've tried crawling, recrawling, completely deleting the docker containers, and crawling again, but they are never picked up.

Also, I added data-swiftype-name="body" to my main content DIV and that is not being respected either. The entire page content is being still being indexed, not just my primary content DIV.

Below are a few code snippets from my site. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile:

HTML Head:

<meta class="swiftype" name="site_code" data-type="string" content="hxgpi">
<meta class="swiftype" name="post_type" data-type="enum" content="product">
<meta class="swiftype" name="article_format" data-type="enum" content="video">
<meta class="swiftype" name="title" data-type="string" content="Elastic Search Testing Meta">
<meta class="swiftype" name="price" data-type="float" content="3.99">
<meta class="swiftype" name="quantity" data-type="integer" content="12">
<meta class="swiftype" name="published_at" data-type="date" content="2013-10-31">
<meta class="swiftype" name="store_location" data-type="location" content="20,-10">
<meta class="swiftype" name="tags" data-type="string" content="tag1">
<meta class="swiftype" name="tags" data-type="string" content="tag2">
    document head continues on from here...

Main Content DIV:

<div data-swiftype-name="body_content" data-swiftype-type="text">
    Page content continues on from here...


Thank you very much for trying out Enterprise Search and our new beta crawler!

Sorry for the confusion, but you're looking at the docs for Swiftype Site Search (a SaaS service independent of Enterprise Search you have downloaded). The Enterprise Search crawler you've been experimenting with will support meta-tags in the next release and should be compatible with Swiftype-like formats of meta-tags.

Thanks for the clarification @oleksiy-elastic. A couple of questions on that if you don't mind.

  • Is the Swiftype Site Search SaaS version the same as the Elastic cloud-hosted version of Enterprise search version?
  • Does the cloud version support meta tags currently?
  • Are the Swiftype Site Search SaaS version and the Docker images completely different codebases? Or the same code and the Docker images just run a little behind on updates?
  • Are there docs dedicated to just the Docker version? (these?)

Thanks again Oleksiy

Is the Swiftype Site Search SaaS version the same as the Elastic cloud-hosted version of Enterprise search version?

No, Swiftype/Site Search is not available as either a self-managed or Cloud installation.

Does the cloud version support meta tags currently?

Not currently, but the App Search crawler is still in beta - this should be out soon (next release).

Are the Swiftype Site Search SaaS version and the Docker images completely different codebases? Or the same code and the Docker images just run a little behind on updates?

Swiftype Site Search is a completely different code base, correct.

  • Are there docs dedicated to just the Docker version?

The Docker version is the Enterprise Search docs, and general documentation can be found here:

Documentation specific to App Search's new crawler feature can be found here:

Hope that helps!