How to pass selected end time from Elastic dashboard to Horizontal Axis

Hi ,
I had a requirement to create a Visualization to show the total number of events happened for a interval of 5 m for specific query.


I am checking query from 6.01 AM to 6.11 AM these are the start and end time intervals on my visualization and had total of 100 events in this timespan

Is there any way I can show the data like below using visualization , either table or graph or any way should be fine

6.01-6.06(end Date - 5 min)
6.06- 06.11 (end date - 5min to enddate-10 min), I am not sure how to pass the selected end date time into visualization.

As of now i selected now-5m instead of passing end time directly . How to pass end time directly instead of now

Thanks for reaching out, @Santosh_G. Have you seen this guide? It could be a good starting point here.