IndexOutofBound Exception and Merge Exception

Hi Team.

I am getting following exception in the elasticsearch.log file while running the elastics search instance continously, I am running in elasticsearch-1.7.4 .

[hids_5][4] received shard failed for [hids_5][4], node[LwDQMJXQQgy00_bpwlJGUw], [P], s[STARTED], indexUUID [VoFsBj7CTPOlJFZ_kma2KQ], reason [shard failure [engine failure, reason [corrupt file detected source: [merge]]][MergeException[org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException: codec footer mismatch: actual footer=-2078209982 vs expected footer=-1071082520 (resource: MMapIndexInput(path="/data03/ESData/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/hids_5/4/index/_4u9f3.cfs"))]; nested: CorruptIndexException[codec footer mismatch: actual footer=-2078209982 vs expected footer=-1071082520 (resource: MMapIndexInput(path="/data03/ESData/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/hids_5/4/index/_4u9f3.cfs"))]; ]]

[2016-05-30 08:39:18,586][INFO ][index.engine ] [] [hids_5][0] now throttling indexing: numMergesInFlight=4, maxNumMerges=3
[2016-05-30 08:39:18,651][INFO ][index.engine ] [] [hids_5][0] stop throttling indexing: numMergesInFlight=2, maxNumMerges=3
[2016-05-30 08:41:21,156][WARN ][cluster.action.shard ] [] [utm_4][2] received shard failed for [utm_4][2], node[LwDQMJXQQgy00_bpwlJGUw], [P], s[STARTED], indexUUID [bfIraG2wROCqIlt31qcQKw], reason [shard failure [engine failure, reason [merge exception]][MergeException[java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException]; nested: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException; ]]

My question was, the index getting failed because of any I/O Related issues.?
why the Arrayindex Out of Exception is occured nay thing we have to tune in Server Side?

Is there any prevention these kind ofcorruption.?

The corruption exception suggests that one of the index files has been modified since it was first created by Lucene (index files are write-once). Maybe you should check your disk?

There is not much that can be done if the disk got corrupted or if a malicious program modified the content of the index files. For the record, recent versions of elasticsearch tend to detect corruption earlier.

Thanks Adrien ...