Watch history not written


I´m trying to add a watch with a chain input. The idea: Based on the cluster health example the watch should search in the watch_history for the last result, check the current cluster state and trigger an action on change.

The watch works fine, but there is nothing wirtten to the watch_history index.

The question: Why not? :slight_smile:

Thank you!

P.S. To verify that the watch is working, I´ve used an other index with an example document.


that sounds weird. On which Elasticsearch version are you running this?
Also could you supply us the watch, so I can reproduce it locally and debug it?

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for your reply.

Elasticsearch, Marvel, Watcher, License in 2.3.2 (/_cat/plugins).

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_watcher/watch/cluster_health_watch' -d '{
  "trigger" : {
    "schedule" : { "interval" : "10s" } 
  "input" : {
    "chain" : {
      "inputs" : [
          "first": {
             "search": {
              "request": {
                "indices": [".watch_history*"],
                "search_type": "query_then_fetch",
                "body" : {
                  "query": {
                    "match": {
                      "watch_id" : "cluster_health_status"
                  "size": 1,
                  "sort": [
                      "trigger_event.triggered_time": {
                        "order": "desc"
          "second": {         
            "http" : {
              "request" : {
                "host" : "localhost",
                "port" : 9200,
                "path" : "/_cluster/health",
                "auth" : {
                  "basic" : {
                    "username" : "xxx",
                    "password" : "xxx"
  "condition": {
    "always": {}
 "actions" : {
    "notify-hipchat" : {
      "hipchat" : {
        "message" : {
          "body" : "{{ctx.payload.first.hits.hits.0._source.result.input.payload.status}}", 
          "format" : "text",
          "notify" : true

cluster_health_status is the test document, based on this example:


I will try to run this as soon as possible (on the road right now). For some more debugging:

Run in Execute Watch API with the record_execution=true parameter. You also might want to play around with the execution_mode

The output should help you to see if there is sth wrong and there should be history entry.

Feel free to paste any output here.


Something new for me, thank you. Nice debug option.

POST _watcher/watch/cluster_health_watch/_execute
   "record_execution" : true

The output looks fine, but no document in watch_history. :confused:


I was unable to reproduce this so far. The only thing I did was havign a search history before this runs for the first time, as otherwise sorting does not work. Might that be an issue in your case?



thats right. You´ve to create the document for the search inital with an other watch or something else.

The watch works fine with the execute flag, too :frowning:

  • Lenny


can you share your elasticsearch config? Maybe there is a subtle difference with the hipchat account setup that is causing this...



also, just to make sure, the exact phrase you could grep for in your master logs would be grep "failed to persist watch record" log-of-master.log - I guess there is nothing either?


Hi Alex,

you´re welcome.

# ---
# elasticsearch configuration
# --- elasticsearch-beta esmaster-beta01
node.master: true false

script.inline: on
script.indexed: on

# ---
# discovery configuration
# --- ["esmaster-beta01", "" ]
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2 ["esmaster-beta01", "esmaster-beta02", "esmaster-beta03"]

# ---
# Shiled configuration
# ---

#shield.audit.enabled: true
#shield.audit.outputs: [index, logfile]

        type: esusers
        order: 0

# ---
# Watcher configuration
# ---

  default_account: hipchat
      host: <OUR_URL>
      profile: integration
      auth_token: <OUR_TOKEN>
      room: Monitoring
        format: text
        notify: true
[root@esmaster-beta01 elasticsearch]# zgrep "failed to persist watch record" elasticsearch-beta.log*
[root@esmaster-beta01 elasticsearch]#


do you get any records like these in the logs?

[2016-05-25 09:28:28,590][ERROR][watcher.execution        ] [Angelo Unuscione] failed to update watch record [cluster_health_watch_9-2016-05-25T07:28:28.166Z]
MapperParsingException[Field name [ctx.payload.status] cannot contain '.']


Hey Alex,

nope, logs looking good.

-- Lenny


so I managed to reproduce an issue creating the watch history, when you are using chained inputs. This is the example that fails for me, however it fails with a message in the logs

PUT /_watcher/watch/cluster_health_watch
  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "interval": "10h"
  "input": {
    "chain": {
      "inputs": [
          "first": {
            "search": {
              "request": {
                "indices": [
                "body": {
                  "query": {
                    "match": {
                      "watch_id": "cluster_health_watch"
                  "size": 1,
                  "sort": [
                      "trigger_event.triggered_time": {
                        "order": "desc"
  "actions": {
    "logging": {
      "logging": {
        "text": "Hello, I'm logging"

POST /_watcher/watch/cluster_health_watch/_execute
  "record_execution" : true

can you try this and tell me if this creates a log entry with an exception for you?



something new! Thanks for this :slight_smile: This comes from my watch, executed with "record_execution : true"

[2016-05-25 08:31:50,889][INFO ][watcher.actions.logging  ] [esmaster-beta03] Hello, I'm logging
[2016-05-25 08:31:50,924][DEBUG][action.admin.indices.mapping.put] [esmaster-beta03] failed to put mappings on indices [[.watch_history-2016.05.25]], type [watch_record]
MapperParsingException[Field name [trigger_event.triggered_time] cannot contain '.']


ah, nice, finally! :slight_smile:
I think this is what prevents the watch history from being written. I'll work on a fix. Thx for all your patience and helpfulness!



thank you for your efforts!! :slight_smile:



  "watch_record": {
    "watch_id": "cluster_health_watch",
    "state": "executed",
    "trigger_event": {
      "type": "manual",
      "triggered_time": "2016-05-25T09:07:53.524Z",

Mapping for this:

 "triggered_time": {
   "type": "date",
   "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"


the problem is not the mapping of the types. The problem is that the sort you specified contains a dot in its fieldname. And elasticsearch tries to index this field, but this ends up being rejected...


I'm having the same problem with ES 2.3.3. Is there a solution/workaround?

"input": {
    "chain": {
"inputs": [
          "first": {
            "search": {
              "request": {
                "indices": [
                "body": {
                  "query": {
                    "match": {
                      "watch_id": "url"
                  "sort": [
                      "trigger_event.triggered_time": {
                        "order": "desc"
                  "size": 1
          "second": {
            "search": {