Adding a type field dynamically for logs

Great! Below is my final code. I decided for any logs under a sub-directory to determine the type based on that directory name. For example /var/log/logsfrommanyapps/app1/app1-test.log is of type => app1 (using the grok filter that you show in your first response). Then for any logs in the base directory, I am using the name of the log file. E.g. /var/log/logsfrommanyapps/test.log is of type => test as you show above. However, there is an issue in displaying the type for logs under a sub-directory. For /var/log/logsfrommanyapps/app1/app1-test.log it shows as type => app1/app1-test instead of type => app1.

Edit: to avoid any further problems for any logs under a subdirectory, is it possible to just give it the second level directory name to type. For example /var/log/logsfrommanyapps/app1/anotherdirectory/app1-test.log will give type => app1.

    file {
            path => ["/var/log/logsfrommanyapps/*/*.log"]
            ignore_older => 7776000
            start_position => "beginning"
            sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
    file {
            path => ["/var/log/logsfrommanyapps/*.log"]
            ignore_older => 7776000
            start_position => "beginning"
            sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
    filter {
       grok {
              match => { "path" => [
          overwrite => [ "type" ]
	output {
		stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } }