Adding GeoIP pipeline to APM data

What does "We're essentially on ES 8.7" mean :slight_smile:

There was a change in some behavior...
What type of cluster are you running? Self Managed Node, Elastic Cloud etc? how many nodes?...

Perhaps the GeoIP db settings are not consistent on all the nodes, which can result in intermittent results.

Is that output from the pipeline simulate? How are you testing, hard to tell without the actual commands... or are you doing that in the Ingest Pipeline Tester in Kibana?

Try this from this post

Disable the geoip databases

PUT _cluster/settings
  "persistent": {
    "ingest.geoip.downloader.enabled" : false

GET _cat/indices/.ge*?v

GET _ingest/geoip/stats

Wait about 2 mins then re-enable

PUT _cluster/settings
  "persistent": {
    "ingest.geoip.downloader.enabled" : true

GET _cat/indices/.ge*?v

GET _ingest/geoip/stats

Also how are you directing these request... only ingest nodes have the geoip database so you if you direct the request to a data only node (not and ingest) it will fail.