Configure file beat to multiple output

Unfortunately, running multiple outputs in Filebeat is not supported.

However, you could run multiple instances of Filebeat reading the same files. For example one Filebeat instance could be reading the files and dropping every non INFO level log lines. Then it would forward the collected events to Elasticsearch. The other instance could only read ERROR level lines and forward it to Kafka.

Example configurations:

Filebeat 1 sending INFO to Elasticsearch:

- type: log
  enabled: true
  - /var/log/*.log
  include_lines: "*INFO*"
  hosts: ["your-es:9200"]

Filebeat 2 sending ERRORs to Kafka:

- type: log
  enabled: true
  - /var/log/*.log
  include_lines: "*ERROR*"
  hosts: ["your-kafka"]

Make sure you configure different data and log paths when running two Filebeats in parallel.

See more about:

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