Docker Filebeat can't connect to Docker bridge network despite ELK being able to

Are you sure about the elasticsearch endpoint?

I guess not. I think I may have inherited the elk:<port> idea from somewhere, but looking back, it appears that on macOS, I was using a feature that doesn't exist on Linux (as far as I understand), host.docker.internal:

output.elasticsearch.hosts: ['host.docker.internal:9200'] "host.docker.internal:5601"

Have your tried run the container or image on the same network and ping the different hosts.

They are all on the same elk network, but my issue I suppose is not knowing the endpoint to ping.

... However, your suggestion worked!

I shall note that nslookup wasn't installed in my container, so I wasn't able to get visibility of hostnames, but that was no problem. Reconfiguring filebeat.yml as you recommended did the trick:

output.elasticsearch.hosts: ['http://elasticsearch:9200'] http://kibana:5601

The startup logs looked like this ("Elasticsearch url" seems to simply echo whatever was configured in output.elasticsearch.hosts, as last time it said "http://elk:9200"):

filebeat_1  | 2018-08-29T08:40:15.640Z	INFO	elasticsearch/client.go:145	Elasticsearch url: http://elasticsearch:9200
filebeat_1  | 2018-08-29T08:40:18.901Z	INFO	elasticsearch/client.go:690	Connected to Elasticsearch version 6.3.2

Once running bash inside the filebeat container, trying either of the following curls gave a HTTP status 200 and returned a body:

curl http://elasticsearch:9200
curl http://kibana:5601

Thank you very much! Quality support again from the Elastic Team.