Export template from custom beat based on metricbeat

@steffens May I ask in which file you saw that I'm using the cmd/instance directly? I suppose it was main.go but when I generate a new beat based on metricbeat with the command python ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/elastic/beats/script/generate.py --type=metricbeat I'll get a main.go file more or less the same as the one I got?

Based on the 6.0 branch of metricbeat

package main

import (


	// Comment out the following line to exclude all official metricbeat modules and metricsets
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/metricbeat/include"

	// Make sure all your modules and metricsets are linked in this file
	_ "github.com/dcroonen/examplebeat/include"

var Name = "examplebeat"

func main() {
	if err := instance.Run(Name, "", beater.New); err != nil {

and based on the master branch of metricbeat:

package main

import (


	// Comment out the following line to exclude all official metricbeat modules and metricsets
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/metricbeat/include"

	// Make sure all your modules and metricsets are linked in this file
	_ "github.com/dcroonen/masterbeat/include"

var Name = "masterbeat"
var IndexPrefix = "masterbeat"

func main() {
	if err := instance.Run(Name, IndexPrefix, "", beater.DefaultCreator()); err != nil {

So at the moment I don't have clue where to look to hook in the sub commands again....