Filebeat and updating existing docs

I'm trying to update existing documents in elasticsearch, based on @metadata._id


First published event

filebeat[26461]: DEBUG [processors] processing/processors.go:203 Publish event: {
                                                "@timestamp": "2022-12-10T10:10:28.695Z",
                                                "@metadata": {
                                                  "beat": "filebeat",
                                                  "type": "_doc",
                                                  "version": "7.17.5",
                                                  "_id": "**791f529272c4e95fbba6273ace4c3e6db0b2944e**"
                                                "app": "app1",
                                                "test": {
                                                  "machine": {
                                                    "name": "1",
                                                    "description": "Test machine description2"
                                                  "prefix": "118fa800"

That document should be created in elasticsearch, beacuse doc with id : 791f529272c4e95fbba6273ace4c3e6db0b2944e, does not exists

After some time... filebeat crawls new file, with new test.machine.description

filebeat[26461]: DEBUG [processors] processing/processors.go:203 Publish event: {
                                                "@timestamp": "2022-12-12T10:10:28.695Z",
                                                "@metadata": {
                                                  "beat": "filebeat",
                                                  "type": "_doc",
                                                  "version": "7.17.5",
                                                  "_id": "**791f529272c4e95fbba6273ace4c3e6db0b2944e**"
                                                "app": "app1",
                                                "test": {
                                                  "prefix": "118fa800",
                                                  "machine": {
                                                    "name": "1",
                                                    "description": "**New test machine description2**"

ID is the same like in previous event, so document should be updated (Thats what i'm trying to accomplish)

Unfortunately when i'm setting

    - fingerprint:
        fields: ["", "test.prefix"]
        target_field: "@metadata._id" -- **That line is problematic**
        method: "sha1"

doc never appear in kibana.. or i don't know where i can find it

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