Alright, I finally managed to get a shiny new local setup up and running!
Thank you Stephen for your suggestions!
What I ended up doing is:
-- downloaded and installed Elasticseach, Kibana and Filebeat, all of version 8.4.3 , all from gz archives
-- before starting ES for the first time - updated its elasticsearch.yml - added the following settings (2 that Stephen suggested and one more I found online - for good measure ): false false false
-- updated kibana.yml - added: false
-- started ES, then Kibana - verified then can connect and I can see ES monitoring data in Kibana (after enabling self-monitoring in Kibana)
-- updated my existing filebeat.yml - to connect to the local ES, and still read input data from GCP PubSub - and verified that events I publish in PubSub and correctly pushed by Filebeat into ES !
Thank you, @stephenb ! Now I have a working local setup I can easily play with!
... and now I can return to the GEO IP pipeline setup in a separate post