Filebeat unable to sent logs

Hi @mamta,

If i'm not wrong this is the index created by today. Please check the same in kibana dashboard.


Hi @harshbajaj16,

Yes, it is created today and I am able to create it on kibana. It means metricbeat creates an index on daily basis.

Thank you.

Hi @mamta,

Yes it will create a new index daily with date and you can check the same in kibana DEV tools tab with GET _cat/indices command.


Yes, but that is regarding metricbeat and my metricbeat is running fine. What about filebeat?

Thank you.

Hi @mamta,

is your filebeat and metricbeat running on same machine or different??

If your are able to get metric beat index then the same should happen with filebeat also.

there is something which we are not able to find because metricbeat and filebeat configuration with elasticsearch is almost same.


Hi @harshbajaj16,
Yes. Filebeat and Metricbeat is running on same server.

Hi @harshbajaj16,

I have tried by uninstalling metricbeat from that server. So currently only filebeat is running on server. I checked elasticsearch and filebeat logs but same logs is generated. Elasticsearch and kibana not able to generate filebeat index.
Will I try to reinstall filebeat again?

Thank you.

Hi @mamta,
There is no need to uninstall filebeat & metricbeat.

You need to check that why your log file is not harvesting in filebeat.

Is filepath correct?


Hey @harshbajaj16,

I have configured filebeat on Ubuntu and its working now but still getting the problem on SUSE Linux. Are there any compatible issues on particular os version?

Thank you.

Hi @mamta,

Please paste the error and below is link for elasticsearch support matrix.


Hey @harshbajaj16,

Thank you so much for all your support .

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