Filters in logstash for sending the logs to elastic search index

Issue remains when the logstash reads the logs from syslog-ng server . instead of IP address , this value => 'Source_IP:%{[_source][SOURCEIP]}' is being added added. whereas the the same config from command line ( -f option) added the source IP. The difference is that in the test.conf the input is-
input {
stdin { codec => json }


as described in Add field from JSON / logstash filter
whereas in the dev. environment the input section is->

input {
tcp {
port => 9999
type => "syslog-all"
tags => [ "Syslog-All" ]
codec => json
udp {
port => 9999
type => "syslog-all"
tags => [ "Syslog-All" ]
codec => json

logs did arrive in the kibana dashboard for the above input but with this => Source_IP:%{[_source][SOURCEIP]}

Really puzzling