Handling multiples modules output to multiples indexes, good practice?

Hello Tanguy .
Im not sure to completely understand your problem
There are differents ways to do what you want .

If you want to have different index names and , it's simple

  index: "%{[fields.type]}-putwhatyouwanthere"

Also is the the good way to do this ? I feel like letting everything under a filebeat-%{+yyyy.MM.dd} is a bad idea (I end up with 1300+ fields on the index), but I didn't find a "best practices" section about filebeat --> multiples indexes too..

Letting everything under filebeat-%{+yyyy.MM.dd} is clearly a bad idea if you have thousands of different fields
But if you do filebeat-%{[fields.type]}
you will have many different filebeat index as you have differents fields.type, and you will avoid the heavy monolithic trash index

However, how can I add custom filed like show above :

    type: "system"

to a module ? (as I use module instead of processor) I couldn't find the answer on the web.

I don't know , you should test you can try to add
- module: thenameofthemodule
and then

- ...
    type: "audit

And lets see if it works .

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