How to calculate and present times between logs

You could use an aggregate filter to do that

    if [message] =~ /"@Moving":"/ {
        grok { match => { "message" => '{"@time":"(?<[@metadata][timestamp]>[^"]+)" "@Moving":"(?<[@metadata][msg]>[^"]+)"' } }
        mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][json]" => '{ "@timestamp": "%{[@metadata][timestamp]}" }' } }
        json { source => "[@metadata][json]" }

        mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][taskId]" => "anyConstant" } }
        if [@metadata][msg] =~ /^</ {
            aggregate {
                task_id => "%{[@metadata][taskId]}"
                code => 'map["startTime"] = event.get("@timestamp").to_f'
                map_action => "create"
        } else {
            aggregate {
                task_id => "%{[@metadata][taskId]}"
                code => 'event.set("delta", event.get("@timestamp").to_f - map["startTime"])'
                map_action => "update"
                end_of_task => true

which will produce

     "delta" => 181.1056525707245,

for the second pair of lines. Note that using aggregate requires pipeline.workers to be 1 and pipeline.ordered to be true.