How to Handle Metadata in File Headers

Try something like

    if [message] == "[Metadata]" or [message] == "[Events]" or [message] =~ /^$/ {
        drop {}
    } else {
        if [message] =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+:/ {
            dissect { mapping => { "message" => "%{key}: %{value}" } }
            ruby {
                init => '
                    @@metadata = {}
                code => '
                    @@metadata[event.get("key")] = event.get("value")
            drop {}
        } else {
            ruby {
                code => '
                    event.set("metadata", @@metadata)

Essentially, if the line looks like "key: value" then stash it as metadata. If it does not then add all the stashed metadata items to the event.

I think this requires "--pipeline.workers 1"

This kind of ruby solution tends to be fragile, and has to be tuned to the input.

I use a class variable (@@metadata) rather than an instance variable (@metadata) because we need the same variable to visible across multiple ruby filters.