Input simple txt file

Add '--log.level trace' to the command line, or set log.level in logstash.yml, or you may even be able to work it with

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9600/_node/logging?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "logger.filewatch.discoverer" : "TRACE",
    "logger.filewatch.observingtail" : "TRACE",
    "logger.filewatch.sincedbcollection" : "TRACE",
    "logger.filewatch.tailmode.handlers.createinitial" : "TRACE",
    "logger.filewatch.tailmode.handlers.grow" : "TRACE",
    "logger.filewatch.tailmode.processor" : "TRACE"

If you are going to use that I would start logstash with a file input that reads a non-existent file, then enable tracing, then add a line to the file.