Java heapspace issue while running logstash

@Badger i have 3 different filters configured,

         json { source => "message" }
         split { field => "results" }
       prune { blacklist_names => [ "command", "host", "message" ] }

This is my document,

"results": [
            "IPAddress": "",
            "Caption": "APPV1",
            "NodeID": 1,
            "DNS": "",
            "Vendor": "Windows",
            "Location": "",
            "MachineType": "Windows 2016 Server",
            "StatusDescription": "Node status is Up, One or more application monitors is Down, Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection #2 · eth2 is in an Unknown state, One or more AppInsight for IIS monitors is in an Unknown state.",
            "Status": 1,
            "Severity": 5001,
            "TotalMemory": 6.871887E+10,
            "PercentMemoryUsed": 30,
            "CPUCount": 25,
            "CPULoad": 28,
            "LastBoot": "2020-05-26T14:25:00.0000000",
            "StatusLED": "Up.gif              "

If i try to ingest 2000 documents its working, when the count goes above 2000 then its throwing error.
