Logstash 5.6.1 inifinite loop? Encountered a retryable error

For your first question, what is your log source?

For your second question, have you set the memory limit in the jvm.options file?

The above file is within the config folder and the following settings will restrict the memory. (The below is set to 12GB)


Another thing the VM Host, does that have enough memory to operate?

I rolled back to 5.2.0 just for logstash. It doesn't get stuck in the retry loop it just drops the message. This was the only thing I found that worked until they find a solution.

I did the same thing.. it is quieter but stops after 20-30 minutes. I now just have a script restarting logstash every 15 minutes until this is resolved.

I'm receiving around 700 documents/s. I don't know if volume has anything to do with it. I don't think it does.

Had to do the exact same thing.

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Logstash 5.x will show request body is required due a bug that is fixed in Logstash 6.x

[2018-04-30T10:40:16,767][ERROR][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Encountered a retryable error. Will Retry with exponential backoff  {:code=>400, :url=>"http://localhost:9200/_bulk", :body=>"{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"parse_exception\",\"reason\":\"request body is required\"}],\"type\":\"parse_exception\",\"reason\":\"request body is required\"},\"status\":400}"}
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