Logstash backfilling two type of logs, problem!

5 days now ive been playing around, still havent figured out how to get it to work ...

I have 20G of logs that need to be backfilled into ELK stack ... now upgraded to 4.4 kibana 2.2 elastricsearch etc.

heres another roundup of the config setup :

I use a 10- to 49-*.conf input setup 50-output.conf

10-.conf is working as intended. so I have copied it to 11-.conf and played around with it .. no succes

heres 11-.conf

input {
  file {
    path => ["/var/log/fortigate/fg.log"]
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/tmp/sucemamarde1"
    type => "fgt-backfill"
#grok {
#  match => [
#    "message",
#    "%{GREEDYDATA:kv}"
#  ]
#  remove_field => ["message"]
kv {
      source => "message"
      field_split => " "
      value_split => "="
#date {
#  match => ["itime", "UNIX_MS"]
#  locale => "en"
source =>"dstip"
database =>"/opt/logstash/GeoLiteCity.dat"

Tried different setup, using grok to match only %{GREEDYDATA:kv} --- according to grok debugger I should match the log !

one exemple of logs into fg.log :

"itime=1453486381 date=2016-01-22 time=13:13:01 devid=FG200D3913801116 logid=0001000014 type=traffic subtype=local level=notice vd=root srcip= srcport=137 srcintf="port1" dstip= dstport=137 dstintf="root" sessionid=781856124 status=deny policyid=0 dstcountry="Reserved" srccountry="Reserved" trandisp=noop service=137/udp proto=17 app=137/udp duration=0 sentbyte=0 rcvdbyte=0"

As Magnus Baeck Said, absolutely everything should be parsed with the KV filter by it self. its only a key value chain!, still it dont...

Nothing relevent is output to logstash.log .err or stdout

heres my 50-output.conf

output {
#if [type] == "fgt-backfill" {
if [path] == "/var/log/fortigate/fg.log" {
  elasticsearch {
  hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
  index => "fgt-backfill-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
 stdout { codec => rubydebug }
else {
  elasticsearch {
  hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
#stdout { codec => rubydebug }

indices fgt-backfill-* simply doesnt get created at all ... tried with if [path] == XXXX if [type] == "fgt-backfill"
still, a no go. the else work correctly ( meaning my other input are working as intended.

Please. help, I dont know where else, I could ask for help nor. how am i suppose to figure it out by my self...

According to the doc, the index doesnt have to be created PRIOR to logstash indexation.. so im lost.