Logstash configuration input error with if statement

Note that you could do it using a single pipeline, but this is a terrible idea, since if you get anything wrong it sets up an infinite loop, like this

input {
     beats { port => 5044 }
     tcp { port => 5144 codec => cef {} }
output {
    if "forcepoint" in [tags] {
        tcp { port => 5144 }
    } else {
        elasticsearch { ... }

Where you might get away with

input {
    beats { port => 5044 }
    tcp { port => 5144 codec => cef {} tags => [ "decoded" ] }
output {
    if "forcepoint" in [tags] and "decoded" not in [tags] {
        tcp { port => 5144 }
    } else {
        elasticsearch { ... }