Logstash date filtering and event @timestamp

Thanks again for the help here. I just wanted to report back in case someone else ran into a similar issue in case it is helpful to them.

While my original query was a simple formatting issue, I ran into another problem where using day-month-year was causing Elasticsearch to treat any of the date fields as "text" which resulted in the following error from Kibana: "Visualize: Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default.”

So instead I changed my queries of the Oracle database to be ISO 8601 although because time is in UTC I didn't use time zone information. There may be a better way to do this, but anyway this is how I ended up doing it:

Select statement for Oracle database (irrelevant fields omitted for the purpose of this issue):

TO_CHAR(table.create_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || 'T' || TO_CHAR(table.create_date, 'HH24:MI:SS') AS create_date
FROM table

And then in my LogStash configuration I had the following date filter to match the formatting:

filter {
        date {
                locale => "EN"
                timezone => "UTC"
                match => [ "create_date", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" ]
                target => "@timestamp"

If you need to use milliseconds (which I didn't need to use), you need to match the number of digits exactly otherwise you'll get a parse error (I did experiment with this initially but ditched them because seconds is granular enough for my purposes, but if you need to use milliseconds, for example from a timestamp formatted field in Oracle DB which defaults to a precision of 6 digits, you can use the following formats:

In your query:


In LogStash (note: LogStash will only use precision to 3 digits but it still needs to match exactly the same number of digits else pare will fail):
