Logstash filter to process jason array fileds as seperate fileds in elastic indexl

Hello @eMitch ,

Now I'm able to parse data but the json string internally has multiple jason object and I want to parse them as well as seperate fileds.Unable to understand how it can be done and even would require to parse
creation and lastmoddate to utc format to show in index.

This works and below image as output:

filter {
json {source => "package_data"}
split {field => "package_data"}
mutate {remove_field => [ "package_data"]}


2)Tried this dosent works

filter {
 json {source => "package_data"}
 split {field => "package_data"}
 split {
    field => "[package_data][packagePartDatas]"
  mutate {
    rename => {
      "[packagePartDatas][serviceRequestId]" => "serviceRequestId"
      "[packagePartDatas][partCounter]" => "partCounter"
      "[packagePartDatas][size]" => "partSize"
      "[packagePartDatas][fileId]" => "fileId"
      "[packagePartDatas][packageId]" => "partPackageId"
      "[packagePartDatas][lastPart]" => "lastPart"
 mutate {remove_field => [ "package_data"]}

Seperate link for same issue:
