Logstash Fingerprint Plugin: How to Exclude @timestamp

@shreyask I wanted to know the answer, so I experimented till I got this working. My apologies if my ruby coding style makes your eyeballs bleed. Not sure if you will also want to filter out host and @version.

filter {
  ruby {
    code => "
      s = ''
      h = event.to_hash
      h.each { |k, v|
        if k != '@timestamp'
          s += ',' + k.to_s + ':' + v.to_s
      event.set('some-field-name', s)
  fingerprint {
    key => "abc123"
    source => "some-field-name"
    method => "SHA256"

                "bar" => 1234,
         "@timestamp" => 2017-12-20T13:29:37.110Z,
                "foo" => "0f4c2678",
           "@version" => "1",
               "host" => "[...]",
        "fingerprint" => "732e31008aa3d3fdfda1d1160994c561ef5022e6e5183598c90b4e69f76c2db9",
    "some-field-name" => ",@version:1,host:[...],bar:1234,foo:0f4c2678"
                "bar" => 1234,
         "@timestamp" => 2017-12-20T13:29:37.150Z,
                "foo" => "0f4c2678",
           "@version" => "1",
               "host" => "[...]",
        "fingerprint" => "732e31008aa3d3fdfda1d1160994c561ef5022e6e5183598c90b4e69f76c2db9",
    "some-field-name" => ",@version:1,host:[...],bar:1234,foo:0f4c2678"
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