The approach I would take would be to use a multiline codec on the input to read the file as a single event (as shown at the end of this post). Then use a ruby scan function
ruby {
code => '
s = event.get("message")
m = s.scan(/#([^\n]*)\n([^\n]*)?(\n|$)/)
m.each { |x|
event.set(x[0], x[1])
That does not quite work because
#----- Start Task -----
results in '#----- Start Task -----\n#Location\n' rather than '#----- Start Task -----\n\n#Location\n' and thus you lose the Location field. However, it does process most of the fields correctly.
"Cashier Counter" => "1",
"Current Device" => "DigiMarkXP",
"Taskcounter" => "1",
"Customer ID" => "0118",
"Customer Market" => "250",
etc. It is probably possible to gsub in the missing \n and recover the Location field.
Obviously this does not retain any of the task definition or other orchestration information.