Logstash with zabbix output ISSUE

Check your zabbix logs and the item type. It might be sending but not adding the value because of a mismatch, but the logs should indicate what's going on (or at least, hopefully, an error message).

I am Also getting an error while sending the output to zabbix.

My config file...
input {
lumberjack {
port => 5000
type => "logs"
ssl_certificate => "/etc/pki/tls/certs/logstash-forwarder.crt"
ssl_key => "/etc/pki/tls/private/logstash-forwarder.key"

filter {
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGBASE} %{DATA:data}" ]
add_tag => [ "zabbix-sender" ]
add_field => [
"zabbix_host", "%{source_host}",
"zabbix_item", "item.key",
"send_field", "data"

host => localhost

output {
zabbix {
zabbix_host => "log_getter"
zabbix_key =>"hello"
zabbix_server_host => ""

Field referenced by log_getter is missing {:level=>:warn}

The zabbix_host directive is supposed to point to a field name, rather than be a plain string host name.

Please see this passage from the documentation:


This is a required setting.
Value type is string
There is no default value for this setting.
The field name which holds the Zabbix host name. This can be a sub-field of the @metadata field.

I see from your grok statement that you're adding a zabbix_host field from the source_host field. This is adding a redundant field. You could just replace "log_getter" with "source_host" to use the value of source_host. This value must be a valid host in your Zabbix server, though, whether a short hostname or a fully-qualified domain name.

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i have a host named ELK in zabbix server with a "log_getter" item and "hello" as key(Zabbix trapper).

Have checked with commenting the GROK filter part, still it is giving the same error.

the host is named ELK? All caps?

If so, then in your grok statement, you'd set:

add_field => {
 "zhost" => "ELK"
 "zkey" => "hello"

and in your output you'd set:

zabbix {
  zabbix_host => "zhost"
  zabbix_key =>"zkey"
  zabbix_server_host => ""

In the output block, zabbix_host and zabbix_key must reference fields, not strings. This configuration will send strings to the "hello" key on host "ELK".

Thanks...it seems to work. How do I know on the zabbix server end that I am getting the messages. And Based on it how do I do alerting

Those are questions better sent to the forums on zabbix.com