Monitoring Undertow using Elastic APM java agent is not giving any transaction data

What was not working? What error did you get?

Hi Eyal,

Post removal “provided” build wise we didn’t got any issue. But still deployment level we have same problem.

JbossFuse: > osgi:update 412
Error executing command: Unresolved constraint in bundle bil-xxxx [412] : Unable to resolve 407.3: missing requirement [407.3] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=co.elastic.apm.opentracing)
JbossFuse: >

So, removing scope didn't helped.

I'm not familiar enough with Fuse to assist further on this dependency problem. Generally speaking, you need to do whatever you would have done when adding any other dependency, like JDBC driver or HTTP client.

Besides, you should upgrade the agent to the latest version as suggested above, otherwise you may have real OSGi problems with the agent itself.

Thanks Eyal. Let's forget about Fuse as of now but just how to implement Opentracing.

I did upgraded the version now to 1.18.0.RC1. Defined the Tracer, dependencies and then JAVA_OPTS to give java agent name, service name and APM Server IP.

But get below error. It should not be localhost, I guess we need to define APM Server IP somewhere in Tracer itself. Any suggestions here?

2020-08-19 14:00:22,667 [main] WARN co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.StartupInfo - To enable all features and decrease startup time, please configure application_packages

2020-08-19 14:00:25,638 [main] INFO co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - Tracer switched to RUNNING state

Red Hat Fuse starting up. Press Enter to open the shell now...

2020-08-19 14:00:26,406 [elastic-apm-server-healthcheck] WARN - Elastic APM server http://localhost:8200/ is not available (Connection refused: connect)

2020-08-19 14:00:27,403 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Connection refused: connect

I did my best suggesting how to implement OpenTracing on camel above. It seems what you got stuck at is a Fuse dependency problem. The OpenTracing bridge classes (co.elastic.apm.opentracing package) should be reachable from your application code. It may require you to modify Fuse OSGi settings. I can't assist further on that.

No, same configurations that you used before that worked to enabled communication with APM server should work now as well. Set the agent's log_level to DEBUG and see what happens. Your settings may not be picked up properly.

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