Netflow Logstash V9 not working not getting any logs

Ok I can replay your pcap to my Logstash instance.
One sample of what I get:

       "netflow" => {
          "destinationIPv4Address" => "",
                 "octetTotalCount" => 65,
        "destinationTransportPort" => 53,
              "flowStartSysUpTime" => 2395375053,
               "sourceIPv4Address" => "",
                "flowEndSysUpTime" => 2395395322,
        "flowDurationMilliseconds" => 20269,
                "ingressInterface" => 48660,
                         "version" => 10,
                "packetDeltaCount" => 0,
                   "firewallEvent" => 2,
              "protocolIdentifier" => 17,
                "sourceMacAddress" => "00:00:00:00:00:00",
                 "egressInterface" => 26092,
                 "octetDeltaCount" => 0,
             "sourceTransportPort" => 65105,
                "packetTotalCount" => 1
    "@timestamp" => 2017-06-29T13:58:28.000Z,
      "@version" => "1",
          "host" => "",
          "tags" => []

I'm not sure what the issue is. These docker containers are given an IP on a private network on the host side right? So the Barracuda firewall cannot reach the container unless there is some port forwarding setup on the host?