Parse json Array input

I am retrieving some json data from a REST API ussing the http_poller input pluging :

http_poller {
  urls => {
     "myurl" => "https://myAPI"
  interval => 30
  type => "myType"
  add_field => {
     "tag" => "myTag"


This returns a json formatted data :
{"data_from_cache": false, "logs": [{"protocol": "PESIT", "processed": false }]}

I need this data to be indexed in elasticsearch and I already prepared a mapping :

    "my_mapping" : {
      "properties" : {
         "protocol"  : { "type": "string" },
         "processed" : { "type": "boolean" },  		
         "tag" : { "type" : "String" }

The data is not wrapped like the mapping. This configuration put the data like the following in elasticsearch :

data_from_cache: "false"
logs: "{ "protocol": "PESIT", "processed": false} "

I need the fields "protocol" and "processed" to be mapped as mentioned in separate fields. I do not need the data_from_cache field, I just need the data within logs in separate fields. How can I do that ? Should I use a json filter or a json codec ?

It's unclear exactly what the data is stored like in Elasticsearch (use a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output to make thing unambiguous), but you may have to add codec => json to your http_poller input. Additionally you need a mutate filter that renames the protocol and processed subfields to the top level and deletes the undesired data_from_cache field.

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I already put a json codec . Finally I used a split filter to split the json data to fields and a mutate filter to delete the unused ones and rename the others in order to remove parent.child names of the fields (logs.protocol and logs.reprocessed). Here is my final config :

input {
  http_poller {      
		urls => {
		  "myurl" => "https://myRestAPIurl"
		interval => 30
		type => "mytype"
		add_field => {
			"tag" => "myTag"
		 codec => "json" 
filter {
 if [tag] == "myTag" {
		split {
			field => "logs"
		mutate { 
			remove_field => [ "data_from_cache" ]
		mutate {
			rename => { "[logs][protocol]" => "protocol" }
			rename => { "[logs][reprocessed]" => "reprocessed" }
output {
if [tag] == "myTag" {
		elasticsearch {
			hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]
			index => "myIndex"
			document_type => "myType"

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