[Solved] Use grok'd timestamp across multiple messages

Thanks Ed - tried that earlier and there were issues. However, I have literally just found the answer thanks to another article: https://discuss.elastic.co/t/keeping-global-variables-in-ls/39908.

Relevant portion of the code updated:

if [message] =~ "^zzz" {
    	grok {
    		match => ["message", "%{DATA:field1} +%{DATA:field2} +%{MONTH:month} +%{NUMBER:day} +%{TIME:time} +%{DATA:field4} +%{YEAR:year}"]
    	mutate {
    		add_field => {
    			"timestamp" => "%{day} %{month} %{year} %{time}"
    	ruby {
    		init => "@@timestamp = ''"
    		code => "@@timestamp = event['timestamp']"
    	drop {}
    } else {
    	grok {
    		match => ["message", "%{DATA:device} +%{NUMBER:read_request_merge_avg:float} +%{NUMBER:write_request_merge_avg:float} +%{NUMBER:read_iops_avg:float} +%{NUMBER:write_iops_avg:float} +%{NUMBER:kB_read_avg:float} +%{NUMBER:kB_write_avg:float} +%{NUMBER:avg_sector_size:float} +%{NUMBER:avg_queue_size:float} +%{NUMBER:io_wait_time_ms:float} +%{NUMBER:io_service_time_ms:float} +%{NUMBER:disk_util_perc:float}"]
    	ruby {
    		code => "event['timestamp'] = @@timestamp"

Simple when you know how!

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