TraceId and TransactionId stop displaying in Console Appender after running Java application with -javaagent

I was expecting to see this (which I did see for a few requests early yesterday), so I'm not sure what I did to change that behavior:

But running with the javaagent stops the trace info from showing in the console (even with the updated pattern [%blue(%X{}) %magenta(%X{})])

2023-08-22 07:00:00,293 DEBUG [ ] o.s.c.l.LogFormatUtils: GET "/api/trace/rt/8099", parameters={} 
2023-08-22 07:00:00,317 INFO  [ ] c.p.p.f.a.v.HealthCheckController: sending request to other service 
2023-08-22 07:00:00,678 INFO  [ ] c.p.p.f.a.v.HealthCheckController: got response [<200 OK OK,ResponseMessage(status=success, code=200, message=v1 healthy af, dataType=null, length=0, totalItems=null, totalPages=0, pageNum=0, pageSize=0, offset=0, data=null, timestamp=Tue Aug 22 07:00:00 PDT 2023, responseTime=null),[Vary:"Origin", "Access-Control-Request-Method", "Access-Control-Request-Headers", X-Content-Type-Options:"nosniff", X-XSS-Protection:"0", Cache-Control:"no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate", Pragma:"no-cache", Expires:"0", X-Frame-Options:"DENY", Content-Type:"application/json", Transfer-Encoding:"chunked", Date:"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:00:00 GMT", Keep-Alive:"timeout=60", Connection:"keep-alive"]>] 
2023-08-22 07:00:00,686 INFO  [ ] c.p.p.f.a.v.HealthCheckController: trace healthy af 
2023-08-22 07:00:00,712 DEBUG [ ] o.s.w.s.FrameworkServlet: Completed 200 OK