Unable to parse JSON Array object in Logstash

With that config, you are parsing each line of JSON separately, which does not work. You need a multiline code on the input. Something like

                codec => multiline {
                        pattern => "^}"
                        negate => true
                        what => next
                        max_lines => 20000

Then to parse it the following appears to do what you want

        mutate { gsub => ["message", "\n", ""] }
        json{ source => "message" }
        split{ field => "Records" }

Lastly I would say that debugging this is much easier with a

        stdout{ codec=>"rubydebug" }

Personally I would add a filter to delete the message field provided the json parse works (i.e. no parse failure tag)

    if "_jsonparsefailure" not in [tags] { mutate { remove_field => "message" }  }