"_grokparsefailure" even though the grok pattern matches

Hi everyone,

I'm encountering the following problem: I've been testing my grok filter including my patterns on both Grok Debugger and Grok Constructor which works fine. Also, when running logstash with option -t no error returns. But when running logstash, I still receive a _grokparsefailure in my tags. So my question is: How is that and how can I start debugging (as I'm pretty sure that my filters/patterns are ok)?

I'm using this logstash config

file { 
    path => "/media/SAP/log/security_audit_log/*"
    type => "security_audit_log"
    start_position => "beginning"
    codec => plain {
        charset => "ISO-8859-1"
filter {
  if [type] == "security_audit_log" {
    mutate {
      gsub => [
        replace => "message", "  ", ""
    grok {
	  patterns_dir => "/media/ELK/logstash-5.5.1/config/paterns/*"
      match => { "message" => "\|%{SAPDATE:date}\|%{TIME:time}\|%{CLIENT:client}?\|%{USER:username}?%{SPACE}?\|%{TERMINAL:terminal}?%{SPACE}?\|%{TCODE:tcode}?%{SPACE}?\|%{PROGRAM:program}?%{SPACE}?\|%{AUDITCLASS:auditclass}%{SPACE}?\|%{SECURITYLEVEL:securitylevel}%{SPACE}?\|%{MESSAGETEXT:messagetext}%{SPACE}?\|"
	mutate {
	  add_field => {
	    "logtimestamp" => "%{date} %{time}"
      remove_field => [ "date", "time" ]
    date {
      match => [ "logtimestamp", "dd.MMM.yyyy HH:mm:ss" ]
      timezone => "Europe/Berlin"
      locale => "en"
      target => "@timestamp"
output {
  if [type] == "security_audit_log" {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => "localhost:9200"
      index => "%{type}-%{timestamp}"
  stdout {
    codec => "rubydebug"

with these patterns

CLIENT \d{3}
TERMINAL [\w+.\-]+
TCODE [A-Z0-9_]+
PROGRAM [A-Z0-9_/]+
AUDITCLASS (\w+\s?\-?/?){1,3}
SECURITYLEVEL (\w+\s?){1,3}

And here you've got some log lines (anonymized)

|Date      |Time    |Cl.|User         |Terminal            |TCode          |Program                      |Auditclass         |Security Level  |AuditLog-Messagetext                                                            |
|20.07.2017|08:01:37|   |             |                    |               |                             |System-Ereignisse  |Hoch            |Applikationsserver gestartet                                                      |
|24.07.2017|11:17:05|000|SOMEUSER     |SOMETERMINAL        |SM19           |SAPMSM19                     |System-Ereignisse  |Hoch            |Audit Konfiguration geändert                                                      |
|24.07.2017|11:17:05|000|SOMEUSER     |SOMETERMINAL        |SM19           |SAPMSM19                     |System-Ereignisse  |Hoch            |Audit: Slot 1: Klasse 191, Gewicht 5, User * , Mandant 000,                       |
|24.07.2017|11:17:05|000|SOMEUSER     |SOMETERMINAL        |SM19           |SAPMSM19                     |System-Ereignisse  |Hoch            |Audit Konfiguration geändert                                                      |
|24.07.2017|11:17:05|000|SOMEUSER     |SOMETERMINAL        |SM19           |SAPMSM19                     |System-Ereignisse  |Hoch            |Audit: Slot 2 : inaktiv                                                           |
|24.07.2017|11:19:19|000|SOMEUSER     |                    |               |RSBTCRTE                     |Dialoganmeldung    |Mittel          |Login erfolgreich (Typ=B, Methode=A )                                             |
|24.07.2017|11:24:14|000|SOMEUSER     |                    |               |RSBTCRTE                     |Dialoganmeldung    |Mittel          |Login erfolgreich (Typ=B, Methode=A )                                             |

Is _grokparsefailure showing in all of the log messages or only specific ones?

Hi @CDR,

it's present in evey single log message. Without exception.

The question mark after the %{SPACE} is what first sticks out to me. The field %{SPACE}? means that there will be zero or one matches of SPACE. In your example logs it seems that there are more than a single space in those fields. Perhaps a better quantifier would be the *. So it would be %{SPACE}*. This would mean "there is zero or more spaces until the |"

I applied your correction but atm it looks like the behavior/_grokparsefailure did not change. Unfortunately, I lost the connection to the machine that's running my ELK stack, so I'll have a look at the output file later.

Any particular reason you're using a grok filter instead of a csv filter?

To debug grok problems start simple, e.g. with ^\|%{SAPDATE:date}. Does that work? If yes, add the next token.

Hi @magnusbaeck,

thanks for your reply. Even starting with ^\|%{SAPDATE:date} gives me a _grokparsefailure. I also commented the mutate and date filter out. To be honest, I wasn't sure whether the csv filter would be applicable for my case as I thought it would be better if the fields match a specific pattern instead of looking for columns.

Best regards,


This works for me:

$ cat test.config 
input { stdin { } }
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }
filter {
  grok {
    match => ["message", "^\|%{MONTHDAY}.%{MONTHNUM}.%{YEAR}"]
$ echo '|20.07.2017' | /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f test.config
Settings: Default pipeline workers: 8
Pipeline main started
       "message" => "|20.07.2017",
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2017-08-14T06:36:13.724Z",
          "host" => "lnxolofon"
Pipeline main has been shutdown
stopping pipeline {:id=>"main"}

I guess I figured out the root cause of this problem: When commenting out my patterns_dir line, everything works fine, no _grokparsefailure when not expected.

Some background information: First, I encountered the issue that my patterns have not been "added" when they were located in the path as given in patterns_dir. After having a look at the output with the --debug option it seemed like logstash was looking for patterns in /media/ELK/logstash-5.5.1/patterns while my custom path wasn't given anywhere. So I moved my patterns to the path as expected by Logstash. (and yes, the pattern files are identical)

Thank you all for your support!

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