2 hit observed in kibana whreas I ingest only once using logstash

I have my logstash config file as below,

	file {
		type => "json"
		path => "D:/a-json.json"
		start_position => "beginning"
		sincedb_path => "NUL"
		mode => "read"
		file_completed_action => "log"
		file_completed_log_path => "nul"
		codec => json
 filter {
	json {
		source => "message"
		field => "group"
	if [group][type] == "Adversary" {
			add_field => {
				"group_name" => "%{[group][name]}"	
				"tags" => ""
				"summary" => ""
		ruby {
			code => '
				a = event.get("[group][tag]")
				if a
					s = ""
					a.each_index { |x|
						s += a[x]["name"]+","
            event.set("[@metadata][tags]", s)
			event.set("tags", s.split(","))
		ruby {
			code => '
				c = event.get("[indicator]")
				if c
					b = ""
					c.each_index { |x|
						b += c[x]["summary"]+","
			event.set("summary", b.split(","))
	prune {
 		whitelist_names => ["group_name","tags","summary"]
	fingerprint {
			method => "SHA256"
			source => ["group_name"]
			target => "[@metadata][generate_id]"
 output { 
	elasticsearch {
	hosts => [ "https://local:9200" ]
	user => "******"
	password => "*****"
	index => "testing"
	document_id => "%{[@metadata][generate_id]}"	
	stdout { 
		codec => rubydebug

If I am trying to ingest it one time using logstash, I am getting 2 hit in kibana with the following details,
1st hit:_id,type,_index,_score
2nd hit:_id,type,_index,_score,summary,tags,group_name

How to remove the first hit and have one hit alone with all the details?

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