2 Logstash Conf File, only one works

Hi there,

I have 2 configuration files to process 2 log files from remote servers with filebeat, each one works by itself, but only one works if both of them are in /etc/logstash/conf.d

Let's call the A and B, A is always works

I got error from B like below:
[2017-09-20T12:05:48,732][DEBUG][logstash.filters.grok ] Event now: {:event=>2017-09-20T20:00:09.809Z scansrv 2017-09-20 16:00:09,809 [53440178] INFO - ca.toronto.csd.scanagt.listener.ScanAgentMessageCountListener - message added javax.mail.event.MessageCountEvent[source=INBOX] destination /data7/user3 }
[2017-09-20T12:05:48,733][DEBUG][logstash.util.decorators ] filters/LogStash::Filters::Mutate: adding value to field {"field"=>"read_timestamp", "value"=>["%{@timestamp}"]}
[2017-09-20T12:05:48,733][DEBUG][logstash.filters.geoip ] IP was not found in the database {:event=>2017-09-20T20:00:09.809Z scansrv 2017-09-20 16:00:09,809 [53440178] INFO - ca.toronto.csd.scanagt.listener.ScanAgentMessageCountListener - message added javax.mail.event.MessageCountEvent[source=INBOX] destination /data7/user3 }

Configuration Files:


input {
beats {
port => "6044"
#client_inactivity_timeout => 6000

filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => ["%{IPORHOST:[apache2][access][remote_ip]} - %{DATA:[apache2][access][user_name]} [%{HTTPDATE:[apache2][access][time]}] "%{WORD:[apache2][access][method]} %{DATA:[apache2][access][url]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[apache2][access][http_version]}" %{NUMBER:[apache2][access][response_code]} %{NUMBER:[apache2][access][body_sent][bytes]}( "%{DATA:[apache2][access][referrer]}")?( "%{DATA:[apache2][access][agent]}")?",
"%{IPORHOST:[apache2][access][remote_ip]} - %{DATA:[apache2][access][user_name]} \[%{HTTPDATE:[apache2][access][time]}\] "-" %{NUMBER:[apache2][access][response_code]} -" ] }
remove_field => "message"
mutate {
add_field => { "read_timestamp" => "%{@timestamp}" }
date {
match => [ "[apache2][access][time]", "dd/MMM/YYYY:H:m:s Z" ]
remove_field => "[apache2][access][time]"
useragent {
source => "[apache2][access][agent]"
target => "[apache2][access][user_agent]"
remove_field => "[apache2][access][agent]"
geoip {
source => "[apache2][access][remote_ip]"
target => "[apache2][access][geoip]"
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] or [apache2][access][user_name] == "-" {
drop { }

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
manage_template => false
index => "svn-apache-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
document_type => "%{[@metadata][type]}"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }


Scan Server MailBot Log

input {
beats {
port => "5045"

filter {
if [fields][document_type] == "scanserver-mailbot-log" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
break_on_match => false
match => { "message" => [ "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} [%{NUMBER:unknowncode}] %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} - %{JAVACLASS:classname} - (.*) destination %{UNIXPATH:userhome}/%{USERNAME:username}" ] }
match => { "message" => [ "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} [%{NUMBER:unknowncode}] %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} - %{JAVACLASS:classname} - Catch exception %{JAVACLASS:exception}[:] %{GREEDYDATA:excepmsg}" ]}
remove_field => "message"

date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS" ]
remove_field => "timestamp"

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
manage_template => false
index => "%{[fields][document_type]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }


Up until 6.0 is released with the multiple pipelines feature, Logstash will merge all of your configuration files in /etc/logstash/conf.d into a single, virtual configuration file. That means any filter and output blocks not bounded by conditionals will process events from all inputs. I see only one of your filter blocks bounded by conditionals, and neither of your output blocks are bounded.

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Thanks for your prompt response, theuntergeek

Added condition, and it works.

Thank you again.


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