About Logstash configuration using ssl

I have a question regarding Logstash configuration.

In order to connect to Elasticsearch from Logstash, enter the following into the Logstash configuration and execute.

elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://xxx:9200"]
ssl_certificate_authorities => ["c:/work/xxx.crt"]
ca_trusted_fingerprint => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
user => "elastic"
password => "xxxxx"

When I run Logstash, the following error occurs.

Invalid setting for a elasticsearch output plugin:

elasticsearch {
#This setting must be a path
# ["File dose not exist or connot be open /path/to/ca.cert"]
ssl_certificate_authorities => "/path/to/ca.cert"

Invalid setting for a elasticsearch output plugin:

elasticsearch {
#This setting must be a sha_256_hex
#["Expected a hex-encoded SHA-256 fingerprint, got \"xxxxxxxx\""]
ca_trusted_fingerprint => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


  • Missing settings
    ・Cause of error
    Anyone who knows something please help

The environment in which Logstash is running is a Windows environment,
The permissions to the crt file's directory are fine.
The fingerprint is also a hexadecimal number issued by Elasticsearch, so there is no problem with the value.


the errors indicate issues with the ssl_certificate_authorities and ca_trusted_fingerprint settings.

  1. ssl_certificate_authorities: Ensure the path to the CA certificate is correct and the file is accessible.
  2. ca_trusted_fingerprint: Make sure it's the correct SHA-256 fingerprint of the CA certificate.


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