Access array in ruby loop


I would like to create new fields based on an array coming from a splitted field and associate the value of each fields

          dtab = data.split(/(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})(\w{20})\w{2}\w{2}\w{2}/)
      event.set('[metadata][dtab]', dtab)

      event.get('[metadata][dtab]').each_with_index do |hash, index|
        event.set( '[tire][' +[index]+ ']', hash[value])

"metadata": {
"dtab": [

[tire][1] = value1 (ff000000ffff807f00ff)
[tire][2] = value2 (ff000000ffff807f00ff)
[tire][16] = value16 (ff000000ffff807f00ff)


What is the question?


Fromthe [metadata][dtab] field I need to create fields:
[tire][1] = value1 (ff000000ffff807f00ff)
[tire][2] = value2 (ff000000ffff807f00ff)
[tire][16] = value16 (ff000000ffff807f00ff)

by using a ruby filter with a loop but I dont succeed to get index and value.
Maybe I have to use only .each as there is no index in this case and create index by myself.

Still not entirely clear. If you want

      "tire" => {
    "11" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
    "12" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
    "13" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
    "14" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
    "15" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "0" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "1" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "2" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "3" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "4" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "5" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "6" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "7" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "8" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
     "9" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff",
    "10" => "ff000000ffff807f00ff"

then you can use

        code => '
            event.get("[metadata][dtab]").each_with_index do |hash, index|
                event.set("[tire][#{index}]", hash)

String interpolation only works inside double quotes, which is why I almost always use single quotes to surround the code.

That is what I need I guess.
I was surrounded the code using double quote and wondering how to use double quote inside in order to use #{variable}. I will try.

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