Add field if the input file comes from a certain path

Hi I want to add a field depending on the path of the input log file, something like this:

input {
        file {
                path => "some_path/uptime*"
                path => "some_other_path/uptime*"
                if path == "/u01/some_path/uptime*"
                            add_field => {"server" => "some_server" }
                if path == "/u01/some_other_path/uptime*"
                            add_field => {"server" => "some_other_server" }

                add_field => {"application" => "uptime" } #this is not part of the conditional

filter {
        if [application] == "uptime" {
                grok { .............................

how can I do this?

Use two file inputs.

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Thanks again badger, something like this? sorry to bother you again badger but right know i dont have acces to logstash, and tomorrow I have to do this in the least time posible.

input {
        file {
                path => "some_path/uptime*"                
                add_field => {"server" => "some_server" }

                add_field => {"application" => "uptime" } #this is not part of the conditional
        file {
                path => "some_other_path/uptime*"
                add_field => {"server" => "some_other_server" }

                add_field => {"application" => "uptime" } #this is not part of the conditional

filter {
        if [application] == "uptime" {
                grok {...}
         if [application] == "uptime" {
                elasticsearch {
                       hosts => ["elastic:9200"]
                       index => "uptime-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

That looks like it would work, but I am unclear why you would make everything conditional when they all appear to satisfy the same condition. Adding tags and testing for the tags being there appears to be a no-op.

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Do you mean the "if [application] == "uptime"" on the filter and the ouput?

the person that was working before me in logstash didnt use pipelines.yml to run multiples pipelines, use another method, I think he ran multiples pipelines on one .conf, so to avoid data mixing he use the conditionals, I picked up the same practice by ignorance I think, and because I use the "application" field when I do requests in the elastic api, but you are right, im gonna get rid of the conditionals and simply add the field....Thanks again Badger, as always you are very helpful.

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