Add new field based on another field

I have such field in filebeat output
it looks like this:

    "docker" => {
        "container" => {
                "id" => "7549e137-3394-987d-f3cc-f79759851a62",
                "labels" => {
                    "app" => "app1",
                    "env" => "production",

I want to set another field in logstash based on this field -
I have such configuration:

filter {
        if ("" in []) {
            mutate {
                add_field => { "app" => "unknown" }
        } else {
            mutate {
                add_field => { "app" => [] }

But it doesn't work. Can you help me ?

Sorry. I found the solution.

add_field => { "app" => "%{[docker][container][labels][app]}"

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