Add_tag from fields than delete source fields


I got JSON and there tags element which i want to use to add tags.
I rename it to telegraf_tags because of this topic and want to use them as source for ES tags.


{"fields":{"created":1594396144981,"value":"{\"id\": 1, \"type\": \"exit\", \"num\": \"12\", \"other_num\": 2, \"name\": \"Ivan\", \"children\": [{\"name\": \"Julia\", \"age\": 1, \"sex\": true, \"birthtime\": \"09/07/2020 17:38:13\"}], \"birthtime\": \"09/07/2020 17:38:13\", \"created\": 1594316293296}"},"name":"generator_log","tags":{"host":"","path":"/opt/map/agents/generator.log","type":"generator"},"timestamp":1594396144}

logstash config:

filter {
	mutate {
      copy => {
        "[fields][created]" => "created"
        "[fields][value]" => "data"
      rename => ["tags", "telegraf_tags" ]
      add_tag => [ "%{[telegraf_tags][type]}", "%{[telegraf_tags][host]}", "%{[telegraf_tags][path]}" ]
      remove_field => [ "tags", "fields", "telegraf_tags" ]

with this logstash config in ES tags looks like this:tags: %{[telegraf_tags][type]}, %{[telegraf_tags][host]}, %{[telegraf_tags][path]}

But if i won't delete field telegraf_tags - it works:
logstash config:

filter {
	mutate {
      copy => {
        "[fields][created]" => "created"
        "[fields][value]" => "data"
      rename => ["tags", "telegraf_tags" ]
      add_tag => [ "%{[telegraf_tags][type]}", "%{[telegraf_tags][host]}", "%{[telegraf_tags][path]}" ]
      remove_field => [ "tags", "fields" ]

but i have to delete it and add tags based on it

mutate does things in a fixed order, which is not always the order you want. Try dividing that into four different mutate filters.

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