Add the field value to each new filed after json filter processing in Logstash

Hi There,

I am trying to configure my logstash to add the parent field name to all the fileds of the child (to make it understand where the filed actually came from)

Ex: I am having the below as the incoming data in a url

  "RequestData": { "Title": "Mr","Gender": "M","FirstName": "UAT","MiddleName": "","LastName": "T","DOB": "08071969","EmailAddress": "","COR": "IN","CitizenOf": "IN" },
  "ResponseData": { "ResponseStatus": { "Flag": false, "Code": 0, "Message": "Bad Request", "Description": "Error validating JSON. Error: - Missing required field \"ExtAuthCode\""}}

When using json filter as below;

json { source => "RequestData" }
json { source => "ResponseData" }

In kibana i see the data as;

"Title": "Mr",
"Gender": "M",
"FirstName": "UAT",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "T",
"DOB": "08071969",
"EmailAddress": "",
"COR": "IN",
"CitizenOf": "IN"
"ResponseStatus": {
  "Flag": false,
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "Bad Request",
  "Description": "Error validating JSON. Error: - Missing required field \"ExtAuthCode\""

What i actually intend to see is;

"RequestData.Title": "Mr",
"RequestData.Gender": "M",
"RequestData.FirstName": "UAT",
"RequestData.MiddleName": "",
"RequestData.LastName": "T",
"RequestData.DOB": "08071969",
"RequestData.EmailAddress": "",
"RequestData.COR": "IN",
"RequestData.CitizenOf": "IN"

Any solution for this requirement please?



Use the target option of the json filter.

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