Adding journey to synthetic monitor and running steps and not skipping when failure

Our automation scripts were originally written in Playwright for Windows and Linux. They used "test" instead of "step" for each section.
I'm using the following environment:

  • Elastic using a synthetic monitor
  • Browser monitor type
  • Inserting steps using "Inline Script"

With Playwright, if 1 test fails, the others can run
With Elastic inline scripting, if 1 step fails, the others are skipped.
Note: I've tried using journeys within the inline script, but I'm having problems with the proper syntax.
I look forward to your feedback and advice.


Example 1 - Using Playwright and "test".
It runs 4 times. If the first test fails, the other 7 will still run.

for (let user in userProfiles)
test('Enter Educator site'+user,async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto(urlLocation);
await page.locator('[placeholder="School/District"]').fill(userProfiles[user].domain);
await page.locator('[placeholder="Username"]').fill(userProfiles[user].user);
await page.locator('[placeholder="Password"]').fill(userProfiles[user].password);
await page.locator('button:has-text("Login")').click();
await expect(page.locator(userProfiles[user].location)).toContainText(userProfiles[user].schoolArea);

test('Logout'+user, async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto(urlLocation + "/Account/LogOff");
await page.waitForTimeout(3000);


Example 2 - Using Elastic inline with synthetic monitor and “step”.
This will run 8 steps. If the 1 step fails, the other 7 are skipped.

for (let user in userProfiles)
step('Launch Educator site'+user,async () => {
await page.goto(urlLocation);

step('Login - '+userProfiles[user].lastName,async () => {
await page.locator('[placeholder="School/District"]').fill(userProfiles[user].domain);
await page.locator('[placeholder="Username"]').fill(userProfiles[user].user);
await page.locator('[placeholder="Password"]').fill(userProfiles[user].password);
await page.locator('button:has-text("Login")').click();
element = await page.innerText(userProfiles[user].location);

step('Logout - '+userProfiles[user].lastName, async () => {
await page.goto(urlLocation + "/Account/LogOff");
await page.waitForTimeout(3000);

Case ID #01034972