Hi have below coloumns
columns => [ "Order Key","Cust #","Doc Type","Doc #","Order #","Order Type","Order Complete?","Order Date","Total Order Value","Total Dollar Value","TotalOrderReceivedToday","Inv #","Inv Date","Expected Ship Date","Shipment Date","TotalShipped","ThisWeekShipped","Salesperson","Salesperson name","Loc","ThisWeekOrders"]
I want to add new field based on below condition, but it's not adding a new field.
if [Order Complete?] == "False" and [Doc Type] == "O" {
mutate { add_field => { "Order Complete?" => "Open Unfilled Orders" } }
} else if [Order Complete?] == "True" and [Doc Type] == "I" {
mutate { add_field => { "Order Complete?" => "Filled Orders" } }
Please help !