Additional // are seen in parsed message after logstash parsed syslog event

Hello All,

This is my input string : SECU "OTN2.LAB":SHELF-1 001328 SHELF-1:16-02-05,00-15-00

And output parsed message looked like this :
"syslog_message" => "SECU \"OTN2.LAB\":SHELF-1 001328

Here is my filter looks like :
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "<[0-9]*>%{CIENA_TIMESTAMP:ciena_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}"}

  remove_field => ["@version", "host", "message", "port"]

date {
  target => "@timestamp"
  match => [ "ciena_timestamp",
             "MMM  d HH-mm-ss",
             "MMM dd HH-mm-ss" ]
  timezone => "UTC"


Question is : From were its adding unwanted "//" in the parsed message. I dont want them to be present in my parsed message.

Thanks for your help.

Any reply on this one ?

This is my input string : SECU "OTN2.LAB":SHELF-1 001328 SHELF-1:16-02-05,00-15-00

And output parsed message looked like this :
"syslog_message" => "SECU \"OTN2.LAB\":SHELF-1 001328

It looks like you have literal backslashes in your input. Logstash uses C-like escape sequences so any backslash will be written as two backslashes in a double-quoted string like the one above (presumably from a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output.

Any reply on this one ?

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