Advantage of logstash input/output plugin over http input/output plugin

Logstash to Logstash considerations

This is the preferred method to implement Logstash-to-Logstash. It replaces Logstash-to-Logstash: HTTP output to HTTP input and has these considerations:

  • It relies on HTTP as the communication protocol between the Input and Output.
  • It does not provide built-in high availability. You will need to implement your own load balancer in between the Logstash output and the Logstash input.
  • If you need a proxy between the Logstash instances, you can use any HTTP proxy.
  • No connection information is added to events.

As per the documentation Logstash-to-Logstash communication | Logstash Reference [8.11] | Elastic, seems new integration plugin logstash is introduced in 8.10 release and it was mentioned as preferred approach than Http-output-to-http-input plugin, but it is not clear what extra advantage it has ,as even logstash plugin itself underneath using http protocol.

Can someone help me on the advantage of using logstash-ouput-to-logstash-input plugin over Http-output-to-http-input plugin for logstash-to-logstash communication.

Thanks in advance!!

I suggest you read through the initial github design issue and the meta issue.

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