Hi guys, I'm using an aggregate filter plugin to map certain information to the main document that I'm processing with logstash but I don't understand why at the end I'm getting 2 documents instead of 1, the first of them generated by the all the plugins in the filter and another exclusively for the aggregation plugin, which by the way also is in the filter section. I'll put the output that I'm reciving below.
Is there a way to obtain all in one single document? I'd really appreciate your suggestions.
"transactionid" => "414d51204553422e4e312e4d5120202061b7b99e28dc0341",
"inicio" => "17:35:56.330",
"statusDesc" => [
[0] "transaction ok"
"msg_elapsed_time" => 15.278,
"channel => "ABC",
"ServiceOper" => "AccountEndorsementNoveltyAdd.setEndorsementNovelty.900172.",
"ServiceName" => "AccountEndorsementNoveltyAdd",
"statussys" => [
[0] "0"
"final_time" => 2022-01-01T22:36:11.608Z,
"@timestamp" => 2022-01-17T15:49:41.605Z,
"message_status" => "ok",
"message_status_description" => "transaction ok",
"reqid" => "623e7c95-8669-4fa0-87cd-2cfafe23b491",
"Operation" => "setEndorsementNovelty",
"final" => "17:36:11.608",
"start_time" => 2022-01-01T22:35:56.330Z,
"CTRFMGID" => "900172.",
"Date" => "11-01-2022"
"tx_service" => "AccountEndorsementNoveltyAdd",
"transactionid" => "414d51204553422e4e312e4d5120202061b7b99e28dc0341",
"tx_end_time" => "17:36:11.608",
"tx_total_messages" => 1,
"tx_date" => "11-01-2022",
"@timestamp" => 2022-01-17T15:50:00.743Z,
"tx_status" => "ok",
"tx_start_time" => "17:35:56.330",
"tx_service_operation" => "setEndorsementNovelty",
"tx_canal" => "ABC",
"tx_more_than_1_messages" => true,
"tx_elapsed_time" => 15.278,
"tags" => [
[0] "_aggregatetimeout"
"tx_id" => "414d51204553422e4e312e4d5120202061b7b99e28dc0341"