Aggregate_maps_path file not visible


I have set aggregate_maps_path in logstash aggregate filter. However i do not see it.
I somewhere read that logstash deletes the file and loads it into memory. Is that right ?

What i want to do is, during my deployment, take a backup of this file after stopping logstash.
Then put the file back before starting it again.

What is the exact behavior of this file ? Where can I see the file after the logstash stops ?

Yes. The code is here.

thanks for confirming. Please correct me if I am wrong, If i read it right, when logstash closes, it stores the map back to the file, right ?

I executed logstash through command and stopped it. Do not see the file still !


Is there a particular case when it gets written to file . graceful stop scenario ?
I executed logstash through command and stopped it using ctrl + c. Do not see the file still !

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